For years, longer than I have been in the picture and THAT is a long time, the love of my immediate life and his buddy HB have headed into the back country of Algonquin Park. Much to our children’s amusement there is pictorial proof of such adventures. The boys looking like they are all of 16 (probs in their 20’s) faces in the opening of what I am sure was the worlds smallest pup tent with hunting kinives in their mouths. Pictures with silly grins on their faces with fish of varying size on a get the picture right dear imaginary reader?
Always it feels like Vegas when they make it back to civilization in all their stinky glory - what happens in the Park, stays in the Park. Now and then you get a tid bit of a story, the proverbial one that got a way, you should have seen the Moose! But never, ever any of what those of us at home would think of as the good stuff. A couple of years ago the love of my immediate life started talking about this lady that the boys had seen in the park. She was a good stroker and could really move. They had watched her portage, she was light on her feet. But no further information was shared. This spring when it was time to begin planning for the annual adventure the boys asked me what colour I like on top, yellow or blue? Ya never know what the heck they have been chatting about, so I tend to just answer and leave it alone. Going down the rabbit hole with these two can be a trip that sometimes ya just don’t want to get into. A few weeks later it became apparent that this years back country trip wasn’t going to happen due to the ice coming off the lakes late. Disappointment radiated from the faces of the love of my immediate live and HB. A quick phone call was made, a wee chat and happy smiles appeared. The love of my immediate life had ordered a lady with a blue top that was easy to handle and quick to move and she was going to be ready in a week. Yes dear imaginary reader, “she” is a canoe. A sixteen foot blue topped piece of fiberglass and Kevlar that scares the hell out of me. You see, the expectation is that I go on day trips with my love in said canoe.I can count on one hand the number of times I have been in a canoe, two of them with my love - both stressful. Every time the canoe rocked I gasped and quickly grabbed the gunnels(?), sides? I don’t know what the hell they are called, I held on for dear life! Apparently doing that is not a good idea. I felt anxious. What if she tips and the water is over my head, how in the heck will I ever get back in? I could go on and on....but I won’t. I used my words (what a grown up I was!) and expressed my anxiety and fear. The love of my immediate life responded with “Jill, ya just go with the flow. Don’t move your hands, just let your ass move with the action, ok?” Hello anxiety! I travelled in my truck to pick her up and bring her home, my love traveling separately. At first glance, she wasbeautiful, did not look scary at all. I expressed my fears to Stewart, the canoe guru, he too explained to me to put my hands to core and let me backside go with the flow. As I peeked at my love while this was being explained he had that “ see, I told you so” grin on his face. The love of my immediate life and Stewart got her strapped on, my love headed into Efforttown and I slowly meandered back to the middle of no where, nervous that she might flip off and crash on the road along the way. After a careful drive, we arrived home and in one piece. I am told that the plan to acquaint my backside and to break me of the gasp will occur in our pool so that I feel safe. The pool isnt open yet, but will be soon, wish me luck dear imaginary reader.
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